This annual event, held in December and established in 2012, involves a cast and crew of over 120 people and attracts audiences of 900 people in its 3-day run. Every year, the tickets sell out earlier and earlier.
Buy tickets on our secure site: Ticketsource |
General Panto Information
Weekly rehearsals Weekly rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings, 7.30-9.30pm (Adult cast only) and Sunday afternoons, 3-6.30pm (Youth cast and Adult cast). All rehearsals are at Crowborough Community Centre. A 'call sheet' will be created which sets out when each scene will be rehearsed, and which actors are needed for each rehearsal. Guide to cast key dates (in addition to weekly rehearsals) * Run-through (3 Sundays before production 1.00 - 7.00pm - under 12yrs youth cast called for 3 hours maximum) * Tech rehearsal (2 Sundays before production 1.00 - 8.00pm - under 12yrs youth cast called for 3 hours maximum) * Dress rehearsal 1 (1 Sunday before production 1.00 - 7.00pm - under 12yrs youth cast called for 3 hours maximum) * Dress rehearsal 2 (Thursday before production 7PM - 9PM (ish) - under 12 yrs cast optional) * Productions (Fri - eve, Sat - afternoon & eve, Sun - afternoon - times tbc ) Crew Want to get involved as a member of the crew? Everyone is welcome, new friends and old. If you’re interested in joining the team that puts on Crowborough’s biggest annual show, get in touch. Find the ‘essential reading’ document here , and an online survey to let us know you’re interested here. If you have any questions, drop us a line at [email protected] Cost
It looks like a lot of fun on stage, and it is, but that's the culmination of months and months of work - work which is also fun! You can't be part of a show this large without a lot of commitment. All:
Depending in their role, crew work around the rehearsals but need to be present:
Directors, DSM, Sound Op: These crucial roles are the present at every single rehearsal, first in and last out. They are also present at Dry Tech and Lighting (LX rig). Script Submission
If you fancy writing a script for Crowborough's Community Panto, please sent your outline submission with a sample script element to [email protected] by 15th April in the year of production. |
2024 - Robin Hood
Show Information
Show Information
- Friday 13th Dec - 7.30pm
- Saturday 14th Dec - 2.00 and 7.30pm
- Sunday 15th Dec - 2.00pm
- For all cast and crew: Important information - including key dates (Published GDoc)
- For adults and senior youth cast only: More details - including Character List, Audition Pieces and Singing Info (PDF) - Junior youth cast do not need this.
- For adults, crew, and senior youth cast only: Audition Script - for auditions only (PDF) - Junior youth cast do not need this.
2023 - The Three Musketeers
Cast and crew information
Link to storyline precis, songs, character list: Google Doc (subject to change)
The Three Musketeers panto on 8th, 9th, and 10th December 2023.
Crew - all welcome experienced or new to theatre - anyone interested in crewing, contact us at: [email protected].
Auditions - all welcome, old friends and new at Crowborough Community Centre, Pine Grove Crowborough.
Cast and crew information
Link to storyline precis, songs, character list: Google Doc (subject to change)
The Three Musketeers panto on 8th, 9th, and 10th December 2023.
Crew - all welcome experienced or new to theatre - anyone interested in crewing, contact us at: [email protected].
Auditions - all welcome, old friends and new at Crowborough Community Centre, Pine Grove Crowborough.
- Adults and youth cast over 12 years old - Thursday 7th, and Thursday 14th September at 7.30PM.
- Audition information: plot precis, songs, and character information: Google Doc.
- Important information and key dates: Google published doc.
- Relaxed auditions for Adults (age 16yrs+) and any Senior Youth Cast (12-15yrs) who want an 'adult rehearsal part'*.
- Initial chat at 7.30pm, followed by group or individual auditions. You can leave after your audition, but there may be some waiting around.
- Singing: We'll be singing 'Oom Pah Pah' together for a warm up and then in small groups of 4. If you're planning on auditioning for a lead role, please also bring a song of your choice to sing - preferably with a backing track. If you don't have anything to hand you can just give us a rousing rendition of 'Oom Pah Pah' on your own!
- (* A parent must attend the first 10 minutes of the audition to be briefed on rehearsal commitments and sign a permission form.)
- Note: 12 to 15yr olds can join us for Sunday afternoon-only rehearsals on Sunday 17th September.
- Workshop: Under 12 years old - Sunday 17th September at 4.00PM.
- Junior Youth Cast (6-11yrs) and any under-16s who want Sunday-afternoon-only panto rehearsals should come along!
- This isn't an 'audition' - we workshop scenes and roles and discuss in small groups or pairs what role every junior actor wants to do. Everyone who turns up and wants to be in the panto is guaranteed to be in it! This workshop may overrun slightly depending on numbers.
- Note: Parents or guardians, please come to the parent information session at 4pm for 15 minutes. There will be permission forms to complete there. These roles do not have evening rehearsals.
2022 - Treasure Island
Cast and crew information
Cast and crew information
- Link to character list: Google Doc (subject to change)
- Link to storyline precis: Google Doc
- Link to important info and dates: Google Doc (some dates TBC)
2019 - A Christmas Carol
Dickens’ Christmas classic gets the Crowborough panto treatment, as the Crowborough Players return for their eighth year at the Community Centre. Of course, the heart-warming story of human redemption is there, but it’s also a fun-filled treat for all ages, packed with laughs, songs and panto magic.
Friday 13th December - evening
Saturday 14th December - afternoon & evening
Sunday 15th December - afternoon
Important documents
* See Key dates information (Gdoc)
* See Character list (Gdoc)
* See Crew roles (Gdoc)
* See Audition info (Gdoc)
Dickens’ Christmas classic gets the Crowborough panto treatment, as the Crowborough Players return for their eighth year at the Community Centre. Of course, the heart-warming story of human redemption is there, but it’s also a fun-filled treat for all ages, packed with laughs, songs and panto magic.
Friday 13th December - evening
Saturday 14th December - afternoon & evening
Sunday 15th December - afternoon
Important documents
* See Key dates information (Gdoc)
* See Character list (Gdoc)
* See Crew roles (Gdoc)
* See Audition info (Gdoc)
2018 - Cinderella
Saturday 15th December - 2.00pm & 6.00pm
Sunday 16th December - 11.00am & 3.00pm
* See: Rehearsals, crew meets and key date information (GDoc)
* See: Character list (GDoc)
* See: Crew roles (GDoc)
Saturday 15th December - 2.00pm & 6.00pm
Sunday 16th December - 11.00am & 3.00pm
* See: Rehearsals, crew meets and key date information (GDoc)
* See: Character list (GDoc)
* See: Crew roles (GDoc)
2017 - Jack and the Beanstalk
The cast list for 2017's Jack and the Beanstalk:
Download the cast list here: ![]()
Important information for Jack and the Beanstalk 2017 - shared at auditions:
2017 - Important documentsRehearsal documents - Rehearsals are underway!
Audition documents